Data Center at a classified location

From design optimization to risk mitigation, ITS addresses some of the greatest concerns the industry faces by wrongly designed data centers.


  • Downtime costs a lot to companies for both reputation and money
  • Data center set up is a big investment

The rate of advancement in the speed, capacity and reliability of Information Technology has been remarkable. However, it is equally remarkable that during the same time frame, many of the electrical and mechanical systems that support this advanced technology have remained fundamentally unchanged. Moreover, recent high-profile events further illustrate the weaknesses of an information age system fueled by an industrial age infrastructure.

ITS’s thought process covers 7 actionable steps to reliable data center infrastructure, including:

  • Beginning with the end in mind
  • Making the parts whole
  • Trust…but verify
  • Ensuring bench strength
  • Taking care of what takes care of you
  • Round-the-clock vigilance
  • Keeping good company